Granite Hope Veterans Coalition
Mission Statement
Eliminate Veteran suicide using a coalition of partners to: Offer training opportunities, connection to resources, increase community awareness, and reduce Veteran social isolation.
The Granite Hope Veterans Coalition (GHVC) was formed in 2023 to support Veterans and their families in New Hampshire’s Upper Valley and Sullivan County. The coalition is guided in the execution of its mission by using evidence-based practices and guidance from Federal Organizations such as the Veterans Administration (VA) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA), as well as New Hampshire’s Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services (DMAVS).
While New Hampshire has long been a strong supporter of the Nation’s Military and Veterans, the geographic and rural nature of the state brings challenges in providing culturally competent services to its Veterans and their families. New Hampshire has directed that 13 Veteran Coalitions be formed to provide tailored services to the unique needs of these different regions of the state. Through the support of the DMAVS and the Partnership for Public Health, Granite Hope Veteran Coalition can be responsive to the needs of the area’s Veterans, their families, and the local community providers interacting with them as well.
According to the Department of Veterans Affairs’ National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report (2023), the suicide rate among Veterans is greater than the non-veteran population, with over 6,000 Veterans dying by suicide each year. This equates to 33.9 suicide deaths per 100,000 Veterans. Despite accounting for just 7.9% of the population, Veterans account for 13.8% of all suicide deaths in the United States. According to a National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) report and analysis released by the NH Medical Examiner’s Office, a total of 234 deaths by suicide occurred among military-affiliated individuals in New Hampshire during the period spanning 2015-2020, higher than the national average. The coalition is determined to address these challenges effectively to create substantial change in our local communities to enhance the lives of Veterans and their families.
Learn More and Get Involved
For more information about the Coalition, or to learn how to get involved, contact:
Willard (Bill) Metcalfe, Director of Specialized Programming
Join our meetings – they happen on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1p–2p by Zoom.
Contact Bill to be added to our distribution list for the link.
Call or text the New Hampshire Rapid
Response Access Point 833-710-6477 (chat)
National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
988 (call or text)
West Central Behavioral Health is a nonprofit organization which relies on gifts from private donors, corporate partners and foundations. Gifts are exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts to West Central Behavioral Health are tax deductible. EIN: 22-2645978

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